SQL Saturday Jax 2024
Hey guys, a couple weeks ago all of those at Patriot Consulting spoke at the SQL Saturday event in Jacksonville, Florida. At this Star Wars themed community event, we were able to both enjoy and learn while in attendance of the presentations of others and also impart some of our knowledge upon those who attended […]
Blogging Again At Last!
Good morning, afternoon, or evening (depending on when you are reading this of course)! I want to thank you for being here and reading this kick off blog for me and Patriot Consulting in Jacksonville, FL! I am going to have my team also create blogs to introduce them as well (stay tuned on that front). In this first blog, I simply want to introduce (or reintroduce if you already know me) you to me and Patriot Consulting. Let me start by providing a modified bio that I currently use for my speaking engagements.
Who am I?…