Power BI’s Powerful Visualizations (Part Three)
Welcome to the final installment of our three-part blog series exploring Power BI’s Powerful Visualizations. In our previous two blog entries, we explored Bar and Column, Line and Area, Waterfall, Funnel, Scatter, Pie, Donut, Treemap, Maps, Gauge, Card, and KPI charts. In this blog post, I will provide an overview of the remaining three chart […]
Power BI’s Powerful Visualizations (Part Two)
Building upon the extensive selection of visualizations discussed in previous Power BI blog, we explored various powerful visualizations, including Bar and Column, Line and Area, Waterfall, Funnel, and Scatter plots in the first part. In this second installment of the blog series, I will present an overview of additional chart types, such as Pie, Donut, […]
How to Add Visualizations to Your Power BI Report
Hello, I hope everyone is having a great day today. In today’s blog I am going to explain what some of the different visualizations are and what they can do. Now I am aware that Power BI was recently updated, so your report page layout may look different than mine, but the visualizations are all […]
Power BI’s Powerful Visualizations (Part One)
Power BI has a large array of visualizations that can be used to help businesses find more effective ways of delivering the data they collect. From standard bar charts to AI powered visuals like decomposition trees, there is so much that Power BI can do. As we go through the visuals, there are 10 main […]